Music Education Program

We are fortunate in Minnesota to have thriving band programs across our state from elementary all the way to the collegiate level. However, music programs are often strained by lack of resources and not every student has the same opportunities to access band. Minnesota Winds is here to intentionally and equitably create new opportunities for students to work with professional musicians, engage in the creative process with contemporary composers, and learn from world-class conductors.

“Minnesota students’ lives have long been enriched by robust band programs in our schools. Minnesota Winds will fulfill an unmet need in our community, providing these same students professional inspiration and mentorship opportunities.”

—ROMA DUNCAN, Flute & Piccolo, Minnesota Orchestra


Music educators, you can book the Minnesota Winds trio for a FREE visit to your band room as part of the YourClassical Class Notes program. Spotlighting three wind instrument families (single reed, double reed, and brass), the trio will showcase the breadth of sounds that are found in a concert band. Sharing a wide range of music and musical perspectives, the trio will perform works from the Western classical music tradition alongside new music created by diverse living composers.

Please note that this opportunity is open to elementary, middle, and high schools anywhere in the state!

New Music Program

To fully explore the musical possibilities of the concert band, the Minnesota Winds will commission new works by diverse composers from across the county. Our commissioning program will engage young musicians with professional musicians, create opportunities for emerging and established composers, and expose all audiences to the wide range of sounds and colors unique to a concert band.

“Opportunities to write for and collaborate with a professional ensemble will allow composers to deeply explore the concert band art form, and unleash its full artistic potential.”

—KATHERINE BERGMAN, Co-founder & Artistic Director, Minnesota Winds